Simons Investigators

Friday 13 July 2018

The University of St Andrews has been invited to submit nominations for the Simons Investigators programs in the following categories:

  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Astrophysics
  • Theoretical Computer Science
  • Mathematical Modeling of Living Systems (MMLS)

The aim of the program is to identify and support active and creative researchers during the years when they are developing into and serving as the intellectual leaders of the field by providing them with resources to undertake new and creative investigations. The nominees are judged on their potential for innovative, new contributions to science.

Details of the programs, including eligibility requirements, are available online:

The University is limited to a maximum of two nominations per program category. Recommendations for nominations should be discussed with your Director of Research. Schools should discuss nominations between themselves to ensure that only two potential nominees for each category are identified. Once potential nominees have been identified, the relevant Directors of Research should submit a 250 word justication to [email protected] by 5pm 17th September 2018. Please ensure you are using the correct guidance for the program category and check program specific requirements below.

Program Specific Requirements: Mathematics, Physics, Astrophysics and Theoretical Computer Science

  • Nominations for these programs should be treated confidentially – the nominees should not know they are being nominated.
  • Investigators in Mathematics, Physics, Astrophysics and Theoretical Computer Science programs must be tenured at the time of the award.

Program Specific Requirements:  Mathematical Modeling of Living Systems (MMLS)

  • MMLS Investigators must be within ten years of their first faculty appointment at the time of nomination and can be tenured or untenured.


Internal deadline: Directors of Research to propose applicants and submit a 250 word justification to [email protected] 17 September 2018
Schools advised which applications will be nominated. Information and supporting documents will be requested (e.g. nomination letter, nominee’s CV) Late September 2018
Deadline for submission of nominations via proposalCENTRAL through Research and Innovation Services ([email protected]) 31 October 2018


For information on the typical profile of successful nominations, nominators are encouraged to visit the website:

Please don’t hesitate to contact [email protected] should you have any queries.